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Children's Waiver Service (HCBS)

The HCBS (Home and Community-Based Services) Children's Waiver is a specialized program designed to provide comprehensive support and care for children with significant medical, developmental, or behavioral needs who would otherwise require institutionalization. The aim of this waiver service is to enable these children to remain in the comfort of their homes and communities while receiving the necessary care and assistance.

Enroll Your Loved One Now!

Step 2- Fill Out Referral Form and email
form to

Step 3- Schedule a Tour of our program

Step 4- Fill out In-Take Application

Step 5- Care Managers must provide Documents

Step 1- HIPPA Privacy Consent

Complete HIPPA Consent 

Complete Referral Form 

Contact us at 347-502-2956 to schedule a tour of our facility

Fill out In-Take Application Forms 


Care Managers must submit the following documents:

     -Psychological and Psychosocial Evaluations

     -Level of Care

     -Life Plan

     -Notice of Decision

     -Service Authorization


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